Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dentists should offer complimentary bibs

I think this because when I called Jim today at lunch it sounded like he had just stuffed about 12 tator tots in his mouth at once and was trying to talk. As you may have guessed Jim has completed one more appointment at the dentists and we have one more to go to get things squared away for the transplant. It is not required that he have all his dental work completed prior to being listed however it is strongly recommended so if it will give us a running start on something we will do it!

He also had his labs pulled today for our nephrology (kidney doctor) appointment next week. We are hoping and praying that his kidneys are holding at 13% . We plan to speak with her about dialysis and the ever nearing angiogram appointment. As I have mentioned before it is very likely that the angiogram will push his kidneys over the edge so we are trying to be pro-active on any dialysis catheter that we have to get placed so it doesn't become an emergency surgery after the angiogram. (As you may or may not know, I tend to be a planner and a little over controlling when it comes to Jim's health-hehe)

Prayers: Jim's kidneys are holding at 13%. Peace for Jim and I for the upcoming angiogram.

Verse: "He will call upon me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble." Psalms 91:5

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